Tirupati Balaji Puja

Embrace Divine Blessings: Online Tirupati Balaji Puja for Prosperity

Tirupati Balaji dwells in the seven hills known as Tirumala. Tirupati Balaji is one of the forms of lord Vishnu, also known as Venkateshwara, Sriniwas, Balaji, and Venkatachalpati. Venkateshwara means “the lord who destroys the sins of people”. The name is split into multiple parts in Sanskrit: Vem (destroy), kata (sin), ishwara (Supreme lord).

Significance of Tirupati balaji puja:

According to Hindu scriptures, it is believed that the lord Venkatesh appeared on the earth in Kaliyug for the salvation and upliftment of humanity, due to his love for his devotees. He is the supreme form of lord Vishnu and the temple of Tirupati is believed as the Kaliyug vaikuntham. It is believed that Tirumala hill is part of Mount Meru brought on earth by garuda (vehicle of lord Vishnu)  from Vaikuntha and seven hills represent the 7 hoods of adi shesh naag (cosmic serpent). Hence, the place itself is auspicious and divine.

Importance of Tirupati balaji puja:

The Tirupati Balaji is the supreme lord of Kaliyug and destroys the sins of humans. It is believed that he took a debt for his marriage from lord Kubera. Those who went to Tirupati Balaji temple in remembrance of this and in order to pay his debt donates money, and gold in the Venkateshwara’s hundi so that he could pay it to lord Kubera as soon as possible.

How to perform Tirupati balaji puja:

The devotees must perform the puja wholeheartedly and should have trust and faith in lord Venkateswara. If you are visiting Tirumala hills for his Darshan put a check on your desires, have complete trust in god, respect the gurus and people nearby you, and keep chanting the small mantras “OM NAMO NARAYANA”, GOVINDHA, GOVINDHA”, “SAI VENGUSA”, “VENKATRAMANNA” in praise of lord Venkatesh or Vishnu. Full devotion and purity of heart is the main ingredient of puja offered to Balaji. Take a bath early morning, give angapradakshina, and surrender yourself to his feet. His darshan fulfils all your desires. Those who want to do puja at home may offer puja by taking a picture of Balaji on Saturday in Purattasi month. Put kumkum on his feet, offer garland, and with purity of mind chant the shlokas from Vishnu Sahastra Naam.

Benefits of Tirupati Balaji puja:

The puja of Tirupati Balaji is offered with faith and control of all your senses i.e. surrender into the lord’s feet to help in seeking salvation. His puja gives peace of mind and soul. He purifies the heart and leads you to work for the welfare of everyone. He always bestows his devotees with prosperity. His puja is miraculous and fills one with lots of positivity in life. The puja helps in acquiring all the worldly things along with the growth of spirituality. The thoughts become positive and purified and bring in self-realization.

Mantra for tirupati balaji puja:

The Lokaguru Shrimath Ramanuja declares the glory of Lord Venkateswara in the following mantra

akhila bhuvana janma sthema bhangadi lIle

vinata vividha bhuta vrata rakshaika dikshe |

Sruti Sirasi vidIpte brahmani Srinivase

bhavatu mama parasmin Semushi bhakti rupa ||