Planets Transit Report 2024

Planets Transiting 2024

Get acquainted with the various combinations of planets in your horoscope and the impact of their movement from one astrological sign to another in year 2014 through this report.

Jupiter Transiting in 2024

Jupiter a.k.a. “Planet of Luck” might make you face various consequences in year 2024-25, not necessarily favourable. Get prior knowledge of the challenges you might face.

Rahu & Ketu Impacts

Rahu & Ketu are collectively considered as the most prominent affecter on a being’s future. Hence, it is recommended that you should be prepared for them in advance.

Vedic Astrology  Solutions

Vedic Astrology has got enormous number of life remedies in the form of rudraksha, yantras and other stones. Make your life better with the help of our precise diagnostics and suggestions of a proper stone for you.