Makar Sankranti Puja

Join the Auspicious Makar Sankranti Puja on January 15, 2024

Makar Sankranti, a festival celebrated with unwavering devotion and joy, holds a special place in the hearts of millions. The festival marks the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn, and it is celebrated with great enthusiasm across India. On January 15, 2024, a day of immense spiritual significance, invites you to embark on a unique journey - the Makar Sankranti Puja. Join us for this individual puja with a live telecast and embrace the blessings of the Sun.

A Day of Radiant Devotion

Makar Sankranti, often referred to as the 'holy transition,' signifies the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of longer, sunnier days. It's a time when devotees express their gratitude to the Sun God, who is considered the king of all nine planets. The festivities unfold with devotees taking a holy dip in the sacred rivers, believing it washes away their sins and brings prosperity and blessings into their lives.

The Divine Rituals

Makar Sankranti is not just a festival; it's a spiritual journey. Devotees participate in various rituals that hold profound spiritual significance:

Mahabhisheka - A Sacred Anointment

The day commences with the grand Mahabhisheka, a sacred anointment of the deity, which symbolizes the purification of one's soul.

Mahapujan - A Spiritual Offering

Mahapujan, a ritual of profound devotion, involves offering prayers and making offerings to the deity.

Mahashringar - Adorning the Deity

Mahashringar is the art of adorning the deity, signifying the devotee's love and reverence for the divine.

Mahaaarti - A Melodious Offering

In the evening, the melodious Mahaaarti dedicated to the Planet Sun fills the atmosphere with celestial harmony.

Shri Satyanarayan Katha - A Spiritual Tale

The day culminates with the captivating storytelling of Shri Satyanarayan Katha, a tradition that imparts valuable life lessons and imparts spiritual wisdom.

Book Your Online Makar Sankranti Puja

In the digital age, offers a unique opportunity to partake in the Makar Sankranti Puja on January 15, 2024. What sets us apart is our commitment to individual pujas, ensuring that your spiritual journey remains personal and profound.

Why Choose

Individual Puja: We believe in the power of individual devotion. Our pujas are tailored to your needs, ensuring a deeply personal experience.

  • Live Telecast: Even if you can't be physically present, our live telecast allows you to witness every ritual in real time.

  • Experienced Priests: Our team of experienced priests ensures that every ritual is performed with the utmost precision and devotion.

  • Spiritual Connection: Experience the profound connection with the divine, right from the comfort of your home.

  • Begin the Year Right: Start 2024 with the blessings of the Sun, setting a positive tone for the rest of the year.

Join us for the Makar Sankranti Puja on January 15, 2024, and embrace the Sun's blessings. It's not just a festival; it's a spiritual journey that can transform your life.