Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa

Unveiling the Power of Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa

The Influence of the Moon: Chandra Mantra for Positive Energy

The Chandra mantra jaap is a sacred practice used to appease the celestial body known as the moon. Performing Chandra Pooja with Homa holds immense significance, as it diminishes malefic effects and bestows great benefits upon individuals. The positive energy generated during Chandra Japam acts as a powerful counterbalance to negative influences. This Homa ritual is particularly essential for those whose moon is incorrectly positioned in their horoscope. The moon, which controls the five senses and the human mind, is revered and worshipped, especially on Mondays during the bright fortnight. Its nature is often associated with water.

Performing Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa

To conduct the Chandra Puja, it is essential to choose a Monday during the bright fortnight. While performing this puja, sit facing the northwest direction and chant the mantra for 18 Malas. Additionally, observing a fast on Mondays can be highly beneficial for this practice. During the fast, you should limit your diet to a single meal, excluding salt and grains. Offering milk to the Shiv Lingam on Mondays is considered auspicious. The Homa ceremony performed for the Chandra holds great significance, enhancing the strength of an individual's senses.

Significance of Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa

The moon is regarded as a symbol of well-being, happiness, female energy, beauty, eyesight, and mental acuity. It plays a vital role in bringing splendour to life. Problems and challenges that individuals face can often be mitigated through prayers to the moon and the performance of the Homa. Chandra Japam is highly effective in dispelling malefic effects.

Benefits of Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa

Chandra Pooja, combined with the Homa ceremony, offers numerous benefits to individuals. It aids in resolving mental issues and infuses life with positivity. The Homa, when performed in conjunction with Chandra Pooja, rectifies the position of the moon in one's horoscope, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious life. Desires are more likely to be fulfilled, and success becomes attainable. This practice also promotes good health and prosperity, ensuring a smoother journey through life.

Mantra for Chandra

Vedic Mantra for Chandra
"Om atriputraaya Vidmahesaagarodbhavaaayadheemahi, tannahchandrahprachodayaat"

Tantric Mantra for Chandra
"Om shraamshreemshraumsah Chandramasaynamah"


1. What is the significance of Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa?

Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa holds immense significance as it helps mitigate malefic effects and brings positivity into one's life. It also plays a crucial role in rectifying the position of the moon in the horoscope, leading to a more harmonious and prosperous life.

2. Why is the moon worshipped on Mondays during the bright fortnight?

The moon, which controls the five senses and the human mind, is particularly revered on Mondays during the bright fortnight. Worshipping the moon on this day is believed to bring well-being and happiness.

3. Can Chandra Mantra Japam and Homa address mental issues?

Yes, Chandra Pooja with Homa is known to resolve mental issues and bring a positive spirit into one's life. It can also promote good health and prosperity.

4. What are the practices that complement Chandra Mantra Japam and Homa?

Observing a fast on Mondays, offering milk to the Shiv Lingam, and chanting the Chandra Mantra for 18 Malas are practices that complement Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa.

5. How can Chandra Mantra Japam benefit individuals in their daily lives?

Chandra Mantra Japam with Homa is believed to help individuals fulfil their desires, achieve success, and lead a peaceful and harmonious life. It is also effective in dispelling malefic effects and promoting overall well-being.