Adhik Mas Vishnu Puja

This is a special Online pooja for adhik maas. this is called. Vishnu Pooja and you can order for any day in Adhik maas from 18 Jul 2023 to 16 August 2023. We will provide 1:1 Puja. never do group puja. so this is entirely personal only for you with the live telecast.

Importance of Adhik Maas Puja

Adheek Maas also called “Purushottam Maas” or “Maal Maas” is a very unique concept in the Hindu Lunar Calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. According to the Hindu calendar, the length of a lunar month is 29.5 days as compared to 30 - 31 days of a solar month and a year consists of 354 days. Thus there is a difference of 11 days between a solar and lunar year. In three years this difference leads to the addition of a new lunar month in the calendar to match it with the solar calendar, this month is called “Adhik Maas”.  Adhik Maas includes worshipping Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu for the blessings of a prosperous and successful life. During the month, people perform several rituals like prayers, pathas, recitation of mantras, fasts, Homam, havans etc.

As per the legend, there used to be only twelve months in the lunar year which were assigned to twelve different gods. But Rishi-Munis calculated a new 13 months and declared its importance. But this new month was not assigned to any god, so it went to Lord Vishnu for this situation. Lord Vishnu assigned “Adhik Maas” to himself and gave it the name “Purushottam Maas”. Further, Lord Vishnu gave this maas utmost importance by advising that the benefits of yagyas, jaap, daan, etc. performed in other months can be achieved by observing Adik Maas Vrat.

How to do Adhik Maas Puja

Many people plan for performing patha of spiritual granthas like Shrimad Bhagavat, Bhavishyottar Purana, Shri Vishnu Purana, etc. Also, Dosh Nivarana Puja and Graha Dosh Puja to rectify are performed prominently in this sacred month. The most important ritual for Adhik Maas is the observation of fast. You can either keep a complete month fast or a partial fast for a fortnight, a week or half a month according to your suitability. In addition to that, there is no limitation on the type of fast you can keep. However during the fast one should keep oneself very pure and clean, speak the truth, should practice patience, conscientiously perform pujas and avoid non-vegetarian foods.

Benefits of Adhik Maas Puja

In an individual’s life, the Adhik Maas has an enormous number of benefits. For instance, fasting during this month opens up the path to delight and peace. This fast is more or less equivalent to performing hundreds of Yagnas. Significantly, it helps the individual to attain good health, wealth and assistance during challenging periods of life. Most of all, it washes away the sins of life. However, several activities like marriages, moondan, graha pravesh, bhumi pujan etc. are prohibited during this month. Also, it is highly advised that Adhik Maas Vrat should not be observed in the desire for worldly gains, as it may impact in a negative sense.